Conlee was born a seemingly healthy 7lb 9oz baby boy. We took him home from the hospital with the assumption that he was going to thrive. At his first pediatrician appointment, he had not gained any weight back and had actually lost a little more. They decided to bring him back a few days later. Meanwhile, we got the phone call that Conlee tested positive for Cystic Fibrosis via the newborn screen. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-shortening genetic disease that affects mainly the lungs and digestive system, but also affects many other parts of the body. Conlee was unable to gain weight because, due to having CF, his pancreas is unable to produce the necessary enzymes that allow him to digest food and absorb fat this is called being pancreatic insufficient.
We first met with the CF Center when Conlee was a day shy of 3 weeks old. They talked us through what this diagnosis meant and how he would take many pills, medications and treatments and also would most likely have frequent hospitalizations as well for CF related issues.
When Conlee was 9 months old, he was admitted to Nationwide Children’s Hospital for the first time. He was admitted for a 2 week CF cleanout which involves IV antibiotics and vigorous and frequent chest therapy to help clear out his lungs. At 16 months, he was admitted again for the same treatment plan. Conlee has undergone many different procedures and attended many different departments at Nationwide including GI, Psychology, and feeding therapy. We have made many new friends that seem like family now and are so thankful for the amazing doctors nurses and other staff members for making us feel at home when we are there!