Karson was being treated for a virus last year, yet he continued to get worse. In fact, he became so ill that his family took him to a local emergency room. But they didn’t even make it inside before Karson collapsed. He was taken to a room where the emergency medical staff revived him and made arrangements to have him immediately transported to the ICU at Nationwide Children’s Hospital – his heart rate was 167 and his glucose was 1149.
When Karson’s mom, Chelsey, learned how elevated his heart rate and glucose were, it was hard for her to keep it together. “My son remained clam through the entire process. He didn’t shed one tear or scream one word. He stayed in the hospital for five days because his ketones would not come down, and he still remained in good spirits,” says Chelsey.
Diabetes is a major focus of the Endocrinology Section at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. We have a multidisciplinary team that works together to care for patients and families affected by diabetes. Our team includes physicians and advanced practitioners, diabetes educators, dietitians, social workers, diabetes nurses, and a psychologist. Our goal is to empower families to successfully manage diabetes at home in order to provide as normal a life as possible for patients with diabetes.
When Karson was first diagnosed, Chelsey’s heart sank. She felt like she was watching his childhood pass before her eyes. But it hasn’t turned out that way at all. “Since being diagnosed, I’ve watched my son grow more mature and jump from being a young carefree child to a young adult. There are days when his diabetes defeats me, but there are only very few moments where it has defeated him. I see him smiling each day, giving his all on the soccer field, educating his friends and teachers on what diabetes is and how he got the disease, giving each person in his life a demonstration on how to give him a shot, and making sure they know what warning signs they need to watch for in him and how to give an emergency shot,” says Chelsey. “I’ve watched my son become the most courageous, strongest, bravest, person I’ve ever met!” she adds.
Karson loves music, playing the guitar, and hanging out with his friends. His favorite football teams are the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Green Bay Packers. He loves soccer and plays year round. But his love for sports isn’t limited to football and soccer. He loves all sports.
Karson is really excited about participating as a Patient Champion for the Memorial Tournament presented by Nationwide. He knows he won’t be playing, but rather observing. Still, he is prepared just in case – he has his own set of clubs!