My heroes

Arthur and Xavier were born at 23 weeks gestation at OSU. At 25 weeks gestation they were transfered to Children’s because they had esophageal perforation. The very next day Arthur was found to have NEC. His brother Xavier followed his lead and a week later had the same surgery due to NEC. Xavier spent 172 days and Arthur 221 day in the NICU. Our journey was a long emotional roller coaster ride filled with ROP, Adrenal issues, BPD, and so much more. We gained another family in that time. The staff, as well as other NICU parents. Arthur and Xavier recently turned 21 months old. Arthur no longer has a feeding tube. They are no longer on oxygen. (Well we have it at home on an as needed bases) but fortunately do not need it at the moment. They will both have to have another surgery on their eyes at the age of 2. Xavier is caught up to where he needs to be with his adjusted age and Arthur is not far behind. Thanks to Children’s NICU, doctors, surgeons, nurses my boys went from 1lb3oz and 1lb4oz to now being 18lbs and 23lbs. We still have a long road ahead of us. But I also know that my Children’s family are always there for us.

Arthur and Xavier were born at 23 weeks gestation at OSU. At 25 weeks gestation they were transfered to Children’s because they had esophageal perforation. The very next day Arthur was found to have NEC. His brother Xavier followed his lead and a week later had the same surgery due to NEC. Xavier spent 172 days and Arthur 221 day in the NICU. Our journey was a long emotional roller coaster ride filled with ROP, Adrenal issues, BPD, and so much more. We gained another family in that time. The staff, as well as other NICU parents. Arthur and Xavier recently turned 21 months old. Arthur no longer has a feeding tube. They are no longer on oxygen. (Well we have it at home on an as needed bases) but fortunately do not need it at the moment. They will both have to have another surgery on their eyes at the age of 2. Xavier is caught up to where he needs to be with his adjusted age and Arthur is not far behind. Thanks to Children’s NICU, doctors, surgeons, nurses my boys went from 1lb3oz and 1lb4oz to now being 18lbs and 23lbs. We still have a long road ahead of us. But I also know that my Children’s family are always there for us.

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