Rachel’s Ankle Sprain

Rachel was doing open gym prior to basketball tryouts when she sprained her ankle. She kept it wrapped and iced and continued to play. A week and a half later she was in the middle of basketball tryouts when she rolled her ankle again. This time we took her to Children’s Close To Home. They x-rayed it to make sure she didn’t break it. It was badly sprained. They wrapped it up and we were to follow up with their ortho department. Our school athletic trainer, through Children’s, called and told us he could work with her after school to get her back to where she needed to be. We were thrilled that they offered this service at school. Rachel was able to go everyday after school and get her ankle back to normal. Once she was released to play basketball, she made the team and has had a great injury free year.
  • Name: Rachel M.Rachel Mollohan
  • Condition(s): Sprain
  • Age at Treatment: 15
  • Age Today: 08/19/200122 Years

Rachel was doing open gym prior to basketball tryouts when she sprained her ankle. She kept it wrapped and iced and continued to play. A week and a half later she was in the middle of basketball tryouts when she rolled her ankle again. This time we took her to Children’s Close To Home. They x-rayed it to make sure she didn’t break it. It was badly sprained. They wrapped it up and we were to follow up with their ortho department. Our school athletic trainer, through Children’s, called and told us he could work with her after school to get her back to where she needed to be. We were thrilled that they offered this service at school. Rachel was able to go everyday after school and get her ankle back to normal. Once she was released to play basketball, she made the team and has had a great injury free year.

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