It’s just a cold

Being a first time Momma I laid all my trust into my daughter’s doctor to tell me she’s okay or no she’s sick. At 2 months old, Penelope was just not acting like herself and I knew something was wrong. Kept taking her back to the doctors 3 days that week. Finally she stopped eating and was having trouble breathing so we took her to the local ER where they called Children’s life flight in. As soon as life flight got there they said she would not make it through the flight unless they put her on life support. My heart just stopped I couldn’t breath let alone think.. how can she be this sick? I was just at her doctors they said she was fine?!? The doctors at Children’s in the PICU said her right lung was filled with pneumonia and she also had RSV and ARDS with a few other colds. She was on life support for 20 days and we were at Children’s for 45 days. They saved my daughters life! I will never be able to thank them enough for everything they did. Not only for her but for us as well. She is now 10 months old and still gets breathing treatments daily and when cold season is here meds are added to protect her lungs because they are still so weak. I love Children’s – they treat you like family and go above and beyond for your child!

Being a first time Momma I laid all my trust into my daughter’s doctor to tell me she’s okay or no she’s sick. At 2 months old, Penelope was just not acting like herself and I knew something was wrong. Kept taking her back to the doctors 3 days that week. Finally she stopped eating and was having trouble breathing so we took her to the local ER where they called Children’s life flight in. As soon as life flight got there they said she would not make it through the flight unless they put her on life support. My heart just stopped I couldn’t breath let alone think.. how can she be this sick? I was just at her doctors they said she was fine?!? The doctors at Children’s in the PICU said her right lung was filled with pneumonia and she also had RSV and ARDS with a few other colds. She was on life support for 20 days and we were at Children’s for 45 days. They saved my daughters life! I will never be able to thank them enough for everything they did. Not only for her but for us as well. She is now 10 months old and still gets breathing treatments daily and when cold season is here meds are added to protect her lungs because they are still so weak. I love Children’s – they treat you like family and go above and beyond for your child!

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