The Day I Injured My Knee

When I fell and injured my knee for the first time, I turned to Nationwide Children’s Hospital trusting them to identify the injury and plan a way of treating it.

We found out I had dislocated my knee cap and I started physical therapy through Sports Medicine.

I ended up re-injuring it about a year later and started back up in physical therapy. My leg had become so weak, it dislocated very easily the second time. They have been great at helping me to strengthen my leg back up so it can heal and prevent another injury. I have to wear a knee brace that helps to hold the knee cap in place so it can fully heal correctly.
  • Name: Molly B.Molly Bump
  • Condition(s): Patellar Subluxation
  • Age at Treatment: 18
  • Age Today: 08/12/199726 Years

When I fell and injured my knee for the first time, I turned to Nationwide Children’s Hospital trusting them to identify the injury and plan a way of treating it.

We found out I had dislocated my knee cap and I started physical therapy through Sports Medicine.

I ended up re-injuring it about a year later and started back up in physical therapy. My leg had become so weak, it dislocated very easily the second time. They have been great at helping me to strengthen my leg back up so it can heal and prevent another injury. I have to wear a knee brace that helps to hold the knee cap in place so it can fully heal correctly.

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