My son is my hero!

Collin’s story starts on his 3rd day in this world. My baby had not had a bowel movement since birth and couldn’t keep anything down. He was admitted to the Mt. Carmel NICU at 3 days old and transported to Nationwide Children’s Hospital at 10 days old at my request because they still had no answers for me! Once admitted to Nationwide Children’s NICU he was assessed and diagnosed in a few short hours! His diagnosis- Hirschsprungs Disease- was something I had ever heard of but I am very familiar with today. The lower section of his bowel had an absence of ganglion cells so basically it was dead! It couldn’t contract to move this through.

At 3 weeks old he had surgery called a suave pull through. They cut the dead section of bowel out and reattached and then we waited. It was long though; the doctors had told me a week or more it could take for things to start moving through. Not for my guy though he had thing moving through in less that 24 hours! That was just the first of many surgeries, biopsies and procedures. He was in and out of Children’s several times a year because of infections and slow motility.

At the age of 5, they decided a temporary colostomy bag was what we would have to do. In October 2012 he got his first of 2 colostomy bags. In March of 2013 we went into the hospital for the colostomy reversal and didn’t go home until May 2013 after getting a second colostomy bag. This colostomy would stay in place until February 2015 and he had to have several surgeries for prolapse (that’s when the intestine that is exposed on the outside of the belly comes out a lot and has to be placed back in) not to mention several other admissions for infection. His colostomy was successfully reversed and my child has been hospital and infection free ever since!!!! We love and miss our Nationwide Children’s family!! Thank You Dr Jonathan Groner- Children’s surgery, Children’s Colorectal team and our family of nurses and PCA’s in the surgery until and surgery recovery floor H5A!!!

  • Name: Collin M.Collin Mayo
  • Condition(s): Hirschsprung Disease
  • Age at Treatment: 10 days old
  • Age Today: 07/23/200716 Years

Collin’s story starts on his 3rd day in this world. My baby had not had a bowel movement since birth and couldn’t keep anything down. He was admitted to the Mt. Carmel NICU at 3 days old and transported to Nationwide Children’s Hospital at 10 days old at my request because they still had no answers for me! Once admitted to Nationwide Children’s NICU he was assessed and diagnosed in a few short hours! His diagnosis- Hirschsprungs Disease- was something I had ever heard of but I am very familiar with today. The lower section of his bowel had an absence of ganglion cells so basically it was dead! It couldn’t contract to move this through.

At 3 weeks old he had surgery called a suave pull through. They cut the dead section of bowel out and reattached and then we waited. It was long though; the doctors had told me a week or more it could take for things to start moving through. Not for my guy though he had thing moving through in less that 24 hours! That was just the first of many surgeries, biopsies and procedures. He was in and out of Children’s several times a year because of infections and slow motility.

At the age of 5, they decided a temporary colostomy bag was what we would have to do. In October 2012 he got his first of 2 colostomy bags. In March of 2013 we went into the hospital for the colostomy reversal and didn’t go home until May 2013 after getting a second colostomy bag. This colostomy would stay in place until February 2015 and he had to have several surgeries for prolapse (that’s when the intestine that is exposed on the outside of the belly comes out a lot and has to be placed back in) not to mention several other admissions for infection. His colostomy was successfully reversed and my child has been hospital and infection free ever since!!!! We love and miss our Nationwide Children’s family!! Thank You Dr Jonathan Groner- Children’s surgery, Children’s Colorectal team and our family of nurses and PCA’s in the surgery until and surgery recovery floor H5A!!!

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