Adelaide’s story

Adelaide’s heart murmur was discovered at her 9 month well visit. We were sent to Nationwide Children’s immediately. She was put through some testing and it was discovered that she had ASD. Our cardiologist and his team kept good tabs on Adelaide’s progress for several months and after multiple EKG’s and echoes it was decided that open heart surgery was the best route to fixing her defect. Dr. McConnell performed open heart surgery which successfully fixed her defect. Since then she has had EKG’s and echoes that have shown nothing but improvement and is now being followed on an annual basis. Adelaide’s entire family feels so blessed to have had access to the wonderful heart unit at NCH. Adelaide is presently an energetic, healthy 2 1/2 year old.
  • Name: Adelaide P.Adelaide Pol
  • Condition(s): Atrial Septal Defect
  • Age at Treatment: 9 months
  • Age Today: 07/08/20158 Years

Adelaide’s heart murmur was discovered at her 9 month well visit. We were sent to Nationwide Children’s immediately. She was put through some testing and it was discovered that she had ASD. Our cardiologist and his team kept good tabs on Adelaide’s progress for several months and after multiple EKG’s and echoes it was decided that open heart surgery was the best route to fixing her defect. Dr. McConnell performed open heart surgery which successfully fixed her defect. Since then she has had EKG’s and echoes that have shown nothing but improvement and is now being followed on an annual basis. Adelaide’s entire family feels so blessed to have had access to the wonderful heart unit at NCH. Adelaide is presently an energetic, healthy 2 1/2 year old.

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