Billy’s Story

Billy was in the sixth grade when he noticed that his left foot was turning inward and that he was “walking weird.” His pediatrician referred him immediately to Nationwide Children’s where Billy was diagnosed with Legg-Perthes disease, a condition rare in children Billy’s age where blood flow to the hip joint is disrupted causing the bone in the hip to become malformed and weak.

When you meet Billy, the first thing you notice is his big, genuine smile. “Billy endured three surgeries, an external hip fixator, and months watching life from a wheelchair. And he always kept his smile. He is my inspiration,” says his mom, Tamra.

Whether it’s a baby with a congenital condition or a teenager with a sports-related injury, the team at Nationwide Children’s specializes in diagnosing, evaluating and treating problems of the musculoskeletal system, trauma and fractures, scoliosis and other spinal abnormalities in children of all ages. Our programs include hand, hip, limb-lengtheningorthopedic-oncologyspinesports medicine. Our team serves patients at our main campus at Nationwide Children’s and also in locations in the surrounding community.

“We are so very blessed to live so close to a facility with the specific expertise to such a rare disease. To see Billy walk again was a sight that words cannot describe,” adds Tamra.

Today, Billy is walking and enjoying life. He is a big fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the participants of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon & ½ Marathon – especially his mom who ran the ½ marathon. “To run the 1/2 and fundraise for the hospital was an obvious ‘must do’ after all we have been given,” says Tamra. “To have Billy cheering on the runners will be an honor for him.

Billy was in the sixth grade when he noticed that his left foot was turning inward and that he was “walking weird.” His pediatrician referred him immediately to Nationwide Children’s where Billy was diagnosed with Legg-Perthes disease, a condition rare in children Billy’s age where blood flow to the hip joint is disrupted causing the bone in the hip to become malformed and weak.

When you meet Billy, the first thing you notice is his big, genuine smile. “Billy endured three surgeries, an external hip fixator, and months watching life from a wheelchair. And he always kept his smile. He is my inspiration,” says his mom, Tamra.

Whether it’s a baby with a congenital condition or a teenager with a sports-related injury, the team at Nationwide Children’s specializes in diagnosing, evaluating and treating problems of the musculoskeletal system, trauma and fractures, scoliosis and other spinal abnormalities in children of all ages. Our programs include hand, hip, limb-lengtheningorthopedic-oncologyspinesports medicine. Our team serves patients at our main campus at Nationwide Children’s and also in locations in the surrounding community.

“We are so very blessed to live so close to a facility with the specific expertise to such a rare disease. To see Billy walk again was a sight that words cannot describe,” adds Tamra.

Today, Billy is walking and enjoying life. He is a big fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the participants of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon & ½ Marathon – especially his mom who ran the ½ marathon. “To run the 1/2 and fundraise for the hospital was an obvious ‘must do’ after all we have been given,” says Tamra. “To have Billy cheering on the runners will be an honor for him.

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