Giggle and Smiles

My heart warms every time I think of my little grandson Grayson. He is the joy in my life and has touched so many others in the same way. If you don’t know what Williams Syndrome is you need to find out and when you do you need to meet someone who has it. It is a explosion of personality and a overabundance of love and joy. We found out Grayson had WS when he was just eight weeks old. He had a heart murmur and we were sent to a heart specialist for further testing. Once the diagnosis came we were flooded with tons of doctor visits and tons of information that we had to absorb. After the diagnosis settled in and we got all of his health issues in line we realized what we were truly blessed with when this little guy was born. We didn’t come in contact with Nationwide Children’s Hospital till almost two years later. We are lucky to live within a 2 hour distance from there because they have one of the few Williams Syndrome Clinics. They have embraced Grayson and all of his friends with WS and give us the knowledge we need to handle all of his issues. We look forward to the twice yearly appointments and feel such at ease when we walk in the doors at Nationwide. Dr. Marilee Martens and Dr. Walton only have our children’s best interest and well being in mind. It is so nice knowing you walk into one facility and go to the room where you will be seen and ALL the doctors come to you! Grayson has grown to know them and love them. The information we leave with when we depart from an appointment is always taking us to a new level of understanding of his disabilities. We continue to grow with his obstacles and challenges due to their knowledge and love for their patients! I only can only hope that we can continue to be blessed with the doctors at Nationwide Children’s who take on our children’s like they are their own. And if you ever need and a giggle and smile just look us up and Grayson will be sure to deliver!
  • Name: Grayson O.Grayson Oglesbee
  • Condition(s): Williams Syndrome
  • Age at Treatment: 2 years
  • Age Today: 06/08/201113 Years

My heart warms every time I think of my little grandson Grayson. He is the joy in my life and has touched so many others in the same way. If you don’t know what Williams Syndrome is you need to find out and when you do you need to meet someone who has it. It is a explosion of personality and a overabundance of love and joy. We found out Grayson had WS when he was just eight weeks old. He had a heart murmur and we were sent to a heart specialist for further testing. Once the diagnosis came we were flooded with tons of doctor visits and tons of information that we had to absorb. After the diagnosis settled in and we got all of his health issues in line we realized what we were truly blessed with when this little guy was born. We didn’t come in contact with Nationwide Children’s Hospital till almost two years later. We are lucky to live within a 2 hour distance from there because they have one of the few Williams Syndrome Clinics. They have embraced Grayson and all of his friends with WS and give us the knowledge we need to handle all of his issues. We look forward to the twice yearly appointments and feel such at ease when we walk in the doors at Nationwide. Dr. Marilee Martens and Dr. Walton only have our children’s best interest and well being in mind. It is so nice knowing you walk into one facility and go to the room where you will be seen and ALL the doctors come to you! Grayson has grown to know them and love them. The information we leave with when we depart from an appointment is always taking us to a new level of understanding of his disabilities. We continue to grow with his obstacles and challenges due to their knowledge and love for their patients! I only can only hope that we can continue to be blessed with the doctors at Nationwide Children’s who take on our children’s like they are their own. And if you ever need and a giggle and smile just look us up and Grayson will be sure to deliver!

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