
September 28th, 2013 my daughter had just turned 3 that day. She spent her birthday in the emergency cause she stopped walking. They couldn’t find anything wrong so they sent us to Akron Ohio and they couldn’t find anything either so they sent us home. Sep. 29th, 2013(the very next day) we had a skating party for her and my son. Needless to say she sat and watched everyone have fun. We had to push her in a stroller to enjoy her special day. After trips back and fourth to Akron they still couldn’t find what was wrong. 1-2 months went by and still no answers. Well she started walking again. I was relieved. 3 yrs had went by. In October of 2015, my babygirl was limping I unfortunately was ignoring it. Finally, in November after Thanksgiving I was giving her a shower and noticed a white streak on her foot. So I took her to emergency room and they done X-ray on her foot and told me it was a foot contusion it will heal over time. If not she would need to see a specialist. I got home and noticed her right leg was rock hard. So I didn’t hesitate I called specialist got her in that same day. Doc thought she had cellulitis or a blood clot. Done ultrasound and that was negative (Thank God). She was on an antibiotic for the cellulitis and was going to the doctor every couple days to see if medicine was working which it wasn’t. Finally doctor said she needed to do an over night stay for stronger IV antibiotic. As we went to do the stay the doctor said no I want to run a few tests first. Im leaning towards rheumatoid arthritis (which runs in family). Next morning he tells me we need to see a rheumatologist so I told him I want to go to Columbus this time I got in a few days later to the specialist in Columbus who then told me that my daughter has scleroderma and they need to do a bunch of testing to make sure it hasn’t affected her internal organs. So since the beginning of January we have been traveling back and fourth to Columbus for treatments on Friday every week for 3 months and some weeks we went 2 a week for testing of her internal organs this Friday is he last infusion appointment then I have to give treatments at home. Columbus is a wonderful place. They do such a wonderful job with all children.

September 28th, 2013 my daughter had just turned 3 that day. She spent her birthday in the emergency cause she stopped walking. They couldn’t find anything wrong so they sent us to Akron Ohio and they couldn’t find anything either so they sent us home. Sep. 29th, 2013(the very next day) we had a skating party for her and my son. Needless to say she sat and watched everyone have fun. We had to push her in a stroller to enjoy her special day. After trips back and fourth to Akron they still couldn’t find what was wrong. 1-2 months went by and still no answers. Well she started walking again. I was relieved. 3 yrs had went by. In October of 2015, my babygirl was limping I unfortunately was ignoring it. Finally, in November after Thanksgiving I was giving her a shower and noticed a white streak on her foot. So I took her to emergency room and they done X-ray on her foot and told me it was a foot contusion it will heal over time. If not she would need to see a specialist. I got home and noticed her right leg was rock hard. So I didn’t hesitate I called specialist got her in that same day. Doc thought she had cellulitis or a blood clot. Done ultrasound and that was negative (Thank God). She was on an antibiotic for the cellulitis and was going to the doctor every couple days to see if medicine was working which it wasn’t. Finally doctor said she needed to do an over night stay for stronger IV antibiotic. As we went to do the stay the doctor said no I want to run a few tests first. Im leaning towards rheumatoid arthritis (which runs in family). Next morning he tells me we need to see a rheumatologist so I told him I want to go to Columbus this time I got in a few days later to the specialist in Columbus who then told me that my daughter has scleroderma and they need to do a bunch of testing to make sure it hasn’t affected her internal organs. So since the beginning of January we have been traveling back and fourth to Columbus for treatments on Friday every week for 3 months and some weeks we went 2 a week for testing of her internal organs this Friday is he last infusion appointment then I have to give treatments at home. Columbus is a wonderful place. They do such a wonderful job with all children.

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