Isla’s Story

One week before her fifth birthday, Isla was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It came as a complete shock to her family.

The week of Thanksgiving, Isla’s family noticed her doing some out-of-the-ordinary things. She went from being a picky eater to eating everything off her plate at every meal. The day after Thanksgiving included a trip to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where Isla was tested and then diagnosed with Type I Diabetes after an incredibly high blood sugar reading. Isla was admitted right away, and her family spent the weekend in the hospital learning how to take care of their little girl’s new challenge.

“It was so overwhelming for us, but we were so thankful to have the support of our whole family, friends, church and hospital backing us up and wanting the best for Isla and our family. Diabetes is an overwhelming and lifestyle-changing disease, but everyone at Nationwide Children’s made sure we went home confident and equipped to handle this new way of life for Isla,” says Isla’s mom, Hollie.

Our Endocrinology team is equipped to diagnose and treat your child’s endocrine disorder. We offer a variety of approaches to diabetes therapy that is customized to family needs. Our approach is proactive medically, educationally and psychosocially, in order to identify needs early to prevent problems from developing.

Isla is a tough little girl who endures five to six shots every single day. Today she is six years old and is in started Kindergarten. She loves playing with her friends, going to the zoo, swimming, dancing, crafts and all-things Disney princesses.

One week before her fifth birthday, Isla was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It came as a complete shock to her family.

The week of Thanksgiving, Isla’s family noticed her doing some out-of-the-ordinary things. She went from being a picky eater to eating everything off her plate at every meal. The day after Thanksgiving included a trip to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where Isla was tested and then diagnosed with Type I Diabetes after an incredibly high blood sugar reading. Isla was admitted right away, and her family spent the weekend in the hospital learning how to take care of their little girl’s new challenge.

“It was so overwhelming for us, but we were so thankful to have the support of our whole family, friends, church and hospital backing us up and wanting the best for Isla and our family. Diabetes is an overwhelming and lifestyle-changing disease, but everyone at Nationwide Children’s made sure we went home confident and equipped to handle this new way of life for Isla,” says Isla’s mom, Hollie.

Our Endocrinology team is equipped to diagnose and treat your child’s endocrine disorder. We offer a variety of approaches to diabetes therapy that is customized to family needs. Our approach is proactive medically, educationally and psychosocially, in order to identify needs early to prevent problems from developing.

Isla is a tough little girl who endures five to six shots every single day. Today she is six years old and is in started Kindergarten. She loves playing with her friends, going to the zoo, swimming, dancing, crafts and all-things Disney princesses.

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