One year Mason was a highly active teenage boy focusing his attention on enjoying life in rural Ohio – running cross country and playing trumpet for his high school marching, concert, and pep bands. The next year, much of his attention was diverted to his health.
On January 30 2015, Mason was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
“Mason is a wonderful teenager who never feels sorry for himself. He sets such a good example for others. He is responsible and dedicated to his health. He never gets upset or frustrated. He just deals with his diagnosis,” says Mason’s mom, Kimberly.
Dealing with his diagnosis means that Mason must test his blood about 6-8 times a day. He must give himself an insulin injection every time he eats. And he has had to become quite skilled at counting carbohydrates and planning his meals. He never walks out the door without his diabetic kit and he always wears his medical bracelet identifying his diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. Mason also attends the Diabetes Clinic at Nationwide Children’s every 3 months.
Diabetes is a major focus of the Endocrinology Section at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. We have a multidisciplinary team that works together to care for patients and families affected by diabetes. Our team includes physicians and advanced practitioners, diabetes educators, dietitians, social workers, diabetes nurses, and a psychologist. Our goal is to empower families to successfully manage diabetes at home in order to provide as normal a life as possible for patients with diabetes.
“Nationwide Children’s Hospital is such a wonderful place. They make each child feel special. We are so blessed to have Nationwide Children’s in our community to care for all children in all walks of life,” says Kimberly. And she has spent plenty of time at Nationwide Children’s not only with Mason, but also his younger sister, Lilyann, who is a champion over Spina Bifida. “We want to say a special thank you to all the doctors and nurses for all their care and support and dedication.”
Today, Mason focuses his attention on the things he loves to do, playing trumpet, drawing, doing magic tricks, and taking advanced classes while maintaining his honor roll status at Amanda Clearcreek High School. He also focuses his attention on all of the things he needs to do to keep his diabetes under control so that he can do all of those things he loves to do. As a long distance runner, he will be focusing his attention and encouragement on the participants of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon & ½ Marathon as they pass through his mile.