At 10 weeks gestation I was diagnosed with isoimmunization, secondary to failed Rhogam and O- blood type. As a result, I had developed Antibodies that at approximately 18 weeks gestation, would begin destroying Adeline’s red blood cells. This hemolytic disease could cause significant anemia in the baby and potentially death.
At 23 and 6 we started intrauterine blood transfusions. During the fourth procedure, at 27 weeks and 3 days, Adeline’s heart stopped. Drs. Fox & Retzke quickly and skillfully delivered, via c-section, our tiny little 1# 13oz baby girl; black from excess bilirubin, paralyzed from medication and lifeless. Dr. Luce and the L&D OR team worked for 6 long minutes to rescuitate her and immediately transferred her to a small isolette in the NICU.
Adeline was initially diagnosed with bilateral Grade I IVH and was extremely jaundiced. She was intubated for 24 hours, weaned quickly to CPAP, and then nasal cannula. She was sick but stable. For 78 days Adeline had an amazingly dedicated and compassionate team of nurses, respiratory therapists, physicians, nutritionists, nurse practitioners and techs, caring for her. With the love and devotion of the NICU she quickly thrived. She went home on an apnea monitor and oxygen. Both of which lasted only a few months.
Adeline is now a healthy, happy, active 1 year old, who shows no signs of prematurity or developmental delay. She is still a patient of the BPD clinic and NCH and we are forever thankful for their lifesaving skills and dedication to these tiniest of babies.