He loves NCH

Christian has been a patient at NCH Behavioral health since he was 3 years old. He is now eleven. He loves coming to NCH for his appointments. He has had Dr. Rebecca Baum since he first became a patient there. He loves her too. He gets so excited to go to his appointments because he really likes his doctor. He also enjoys coming to what he calls the big city. We live in a small town and he likes the big towers and that makes his visits more enjoyable as well. We have been through many different medications to help my son and it really is trial and error when it comes to behavioral meds. Dr. Baum has been really helpful and is very knowledgeable in her field of medicine. My son has multiple diagnoses but the main one that we treat is his ADHD. We have been to occupational therapy as well due to his behavioral needs. They too, were helpful. I personally feel very thankful for staff at NCH. They have always been very kind and considerate. We were sent to Cardiology for Christian to have his heart checked. He was having tachycardia. They were very helpful and caring. They checked his heart thoroughly. Reports were good! So we give a big Thank You to the staff at NCH for all you do, every single day. We are so very thankful!
  • Name: Christian N.Christian Nelson
  • Condition(s): ADHD
  • Age at Treatment: 3 years
  • Age Today: 03/10/200519 Years

Christian has been a patient at NCH Behavioral health since he was 3 years old. He is now eleven. He loves coming to NCH for his appointments. He has had Dr. Rebecca Baum since he first became a patient there. He loves her too. He gets so excited to go to his appointments because he really likes his doctor. He also enjoys coming to what he calls the big city. We live in a small town and he likes the big towers and that makes his visits more enjoyable as well. We have been through many different medications to help my son and it really is trial and error when it comes to behavioral meds. Dr. Baum has been really helpful and is very knowledgeable in her field of medicine. My son has multiple diagnoses but the main one that we treat is his ADHD. We have been to occupational therapy as well due to his behavioral needs. They too, were helpful. I personally feel very thankful for staff at NCH. They have always been very kind and considerate. We were sent to Cardiology for Christian to have his heart checked. He was having tachycardia. They were very helpful and caring. They checked his heart thoroughly. Reports were good! So we give a big Thank You to the staff at NCH for all you do, every single day. We are so very thankful!

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