Isabelle’s Story

Sometimes our mightiest fighters are our tiniest ones. Little Isabelle came into the world that way. Born at only 33 weeks, she was immediately admitted to the NICU at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Each year more than 4,400 babies receive the highest level of care in Nationwide Children’s Newborn Intensive and Special Care Units. As one of the largest neonatal centers in the nation, we dedicate ourselves not only to treating, but ultimately preventing all complications of prematurity. The extraordinary number of patients we care for allows us to provide the highest level of experience and translate that expertise into programs that address fetal diagnosis and therapies across the spectrum of newborn conditions to essential long-term follow-up care.  It’s the combination of these things, with the dedication and commitment of our teams and families, that allows us to provide babies with cutting edge interventions, exceptional care and in turn, remarkable outcomes.

And Isabelle is remarkable. She was diagnosed with Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) which is usually where there is higher pressure in the left atrium compared to right atrium, thus blood flows (or shunts) from left to right as opposed to from right to left. When she was only three years old, Isabelle received a heart catheter; but because she developed an aneurism, she needed a bigger intervention – open heart surgery.

“She has had to fight since the day she was born and she fought during her heart surgery as well,” says Isabelle’s mom, Jennifer.

“Nationwide Children’s means the world to me. It is why I went to college and obtained a degree so I could work here. This hospital is the sole reason that my Isabelle is alive. The entire staff in the NICU and CTICU treated her like their own,” says Isabelle’s mom, Jennifer.

Isabelle loves to play with her brothers, Hayden and Zach. She enjoys cheerleading, running and playing in the back yard, and watching anything on the Disney Channel. When she grows up, she wants to be a pediatric nurse.

Isabelle is super excited about participating in the Memorial Tournament presented by Nationwide because one of the other things she really loves is golf!
  • Name: Isabelle B.Isabelle Baldridge
  • Condition(s): Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
  • Age at Treatment: 8 years
  • Age Today: 12/31/200716 Years

Sometimes our mightiest fighters are our tiniest ones. Little Isabelle came into the world that way. Born at only 33 weeks, she was immediately admitted to the NICU at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Each year more than 4,400 babies receive the highest level of care in Nationwide Children’s Newborn Intensive and Special Care Units. As one of the largest neonatal centers in the nation, we dedicate ourselves not only to treating, but ultimately preventing all complications of prematurity. The extraordinary number of patients we care for allows us to provide the highest level of experience and translate that expertise into programs that address fetal diagnosis and therapies across the spectrum of newborn conditions to essential long-term follow-up care.  It’s the combination of these things, with the dedication and commitment of our teams and families, that allows us to provide babies with cutting edge interventions, exceptional care and in turn, remarkable outcomes.

And Isabelle is remarkable. She was diagnosed with Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) which is usually where there is higher pressure in the left atrium compared to right atrium, thus blood flows (or shunts) from left to right as opposed to from right to left. When she was only three years old, Isabelle received a heart catheter; but because she developed an aneurism, she needed a bigger intervention – open heart surgery.

“She has had to fight since the day she was born and she fought during her heart surgery as well,” says Isabelle’s mom, Jennifer.

“Nationwide Children’s means the world to me. It is why I went to college and obtained a degree so I could work here. This hospital is the sole reason that my Isabelle is alive. The entire staff in the NICU and CTICU treated her like their own,” says Isabelle’s mom, Jennifer.

Isabelle loves to play with her brothers, Hayden and Zach. She enjoys cheerleading, running and playing in the back yard, and watching anything on the Disney Channel. When she grows up, she wants to be a pediatric nurse.

Isabelle is super excited about participating in the Memorial Tournament presented by Nationwide because one of the other things she really loves is golf!

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