Morgan’s PDA

It all started on July 25, 2015. Our daughter was experienced chest pain, she was quite adament that is was unlike anything she had experienced before. We rushed her to the ER, where many tests were ran, including an EKG and an Echocardiogram. It was then determined that she had Pediatric Periocarditis. We were referred to a Pediatric Cardiologist. We were then informed that she had a PDA with a murmur. I then sent all her test results to Nationwide Children’s and they called and made an appointment for her. In October of 2015, we had our first appt. and that is when we meant Dr. Darren Berman. We were so impressed with him and his compassion. We went back in May of 2017, where they preformed another Echocardiogram and ideas determined that surgery was needed. We set up the surgery for July 20th. Dr. Berman and his team were great, so kind, so caring. My daughter absolutely loves him. Her surgery was a success and her PDA was closed successfully. She still has more check ups, but is doing great. She has been told by many how she has color in her cheeks and her gymnastics instructor can’t believe how much more energy she has. She has said several times, that it feels great to not feel like your heart is beating out of your chest. When we went back for her 4 week post op check-up, Dr. Berman asked if wanted to go continue her check-ups at our home town, which is 2.5 hours away, I said no way. When you have the best, why settle for less. Thanks again to Dr. Berman and all his team at Nationwide Children’s for the great care for our daughter!
  • Name: Morgan C.Morgan Coleman
  • Condition(s): Patent Ductus Arteriosus
  • Age at Treatment: 7 years.
  • Age Today: 06/27/200815 Years

It all started on July 25, 2015. Our daughter was experienced chest pain, she was quite adament that is was unlike anything she had experienced before. We rushed her to the ER, where many tests were ran, including an EKG and an Echocardiogram. It was then determined that she had Pediatric Periocarditis. We were referred to a Pediatric Cardiologist. We were then informed that she had a PDA with a murmur. I then sent all her test results to Nationwide Children’s and they called and made an appointment for her. In October of 2015, we had our first appt. and that is when we meant Dr. Darren Berman. We were so impressed with him and his compassion. We went back in May of 2017, where they preformed another Echocardiogram and ideas determined that surgery was needed. We set up the surgery for July 20th. Dr. Berman and his team were great, so kind, so caring. My daughter absolutely loves him. Her surgery was a success and her PDA was closed successfully. She still has more check ups, but is doing great. She has been told by many how she has color in her cheeks and her gymnastics instructor can’t believe how much more energy she has. She has said several times, that it feels great to not feel like your heart is beating out of your chest. When we went back for her 4 week post op check-up, Dr. Berman asked if wanted to go continue her check-ups at our home town, which is 2.5 hours away, I said no way. When you have the best, why settle for less. Thanks again to Dr. Berman and all his team at Nationwide Children’s for the great care for our daughter!

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