Katie’s Wacky World

I sat down with the doctor as he began to tell me my 2 pound baby had Cerebral palsy and would probably never walk or talk and life alone would be very hard for her. She seemed so innocent and oblivious of what was being said as I held her hand through the glass door in the NICU still not being able to hold her yet. I was a 26 yr old single mom with Chrons disease and now my one and only child has this. I decided right away that I didn’t have time to feel sorry for her or me but to fight like hell to give her the best life possible. It was easy to not feel sorry for ourselves when we started therapy because at children’s though it’s a very happy place so many kids didn’t have a chance and at least my daughter wasn’t going to die. They taught us how to change our lives and use the part of the brain that worked best. They showed me how to be strong for her and gave me strength. They gave me a village of people who laughed when she did well and cried when she fell. Bit by bit she stared beating all odds and she was walking. Eventually she was talking and alot. She had this thing in her spirit that even though it was all very hard for her she never quit trying. She dragged her body until she could use it. We called her Nemo because she had a weak right side. She amazingly started school and played tee ball. She does art and loves to swim she learned to ride without training wheels this summer. She’s in a normal 4th grade class and has a lot of friends. She is still doing botox and has a brace now but it’s just for safety. There hasn’t been a goal this kid hasn’t met and overcome. She got made fun of by a kid last year for her right side so we started a YouTube channel to show everyone what her life is like. This has helped so many just love her and it gave her a voice. She said she wants to just help people and if we make money give it away so we don’t get mean. She is a living inspiration of hope and joy and love. What could have been horrible turned into a blessing through hard work and never giving up. We aren’t perfect but we just don’t quit and that’s how you make a champion. I tell her all the time she has greatness inside of her and it’s up to her to use it. She’s 9 and I cant wait to see what the rest of her life will be. Check out her you tube channel and get inspired, and subscribe and share so she knows she has value too. https://www.youtube.com/user/lizwalser
  • Name: Katie W.Katie Walser
  • Condition(s): Cerebral Palsy
  • Age at Treatment: 6 months
  • Age Today: 02/25/200816 Years

I sat down with the doctor as he began to tell me my 2 pound baby had Cerebral palsy and would probably never walk or talk and life alone would be very hard for her. She seemed so innocent and oblivious of what was being said as I held her hand through the glass door in the NICU still not being able to hold her yet. I was a 26 yr old single mom with Chrons disease and now my one and only child has this. I decided right away that I didn’t have time to feel sorry for her or me but to fight like hell to give her the best life possible. It was easy to not feel sorry for ourselves when we started therapy because at children’s though it’s a very happy place so many kids didn’t have a chance and at least my daughter wasn’t going to die. They taught us how to change our lives and use the part of the brain that worked best. They showed me how to be strong for her and gave me strength. They gave me a village of people who laughed when she did well and cried when she fell. Bit by bit she stared beating all odds and she was walking. Eventually she was talking and alot. She had this thing in her spirit that even though it was all very hard for her she never quit trying. She dragged her body until she could use it. We called her Nemo because she had a weak right side. She amazingly started school and played tee ball. She does art and loves to swim she learned to ride without training wheels this summer. She’s in a normal 4th grade class and has a lot of friends. She is still doing botox and has a brace now but it’s just for safety. There hasn’t been a goal this kid hasn’t met and overcome. She got made fun of by a kid last year for her right side so we started a YouTube channel to show everyone what her life is like. This has helped so many just love her and it gave her a voice. She said she wants to just help people and if we make money give it away so we don’t get mean. She is a living inspiration of hope and joy and love. What could have been horrible turned into a blessing through hard work and never giving up. We aren’t perfect but we just don’t quit and that’s how you make a champion. I tell her all the time she has greatness inside of her and it’s up to her to use it. She’s 9 and I cant wait to see what the rest of her life will be. Check out her you tube channel and get inspired, and subscribe and share so she knows she has value too. https://www.youtube.com/user/lizwalser

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