Freya and Ruby together forever :)

My name is Lisa and I am just a normal person with a huge love for orphans. Never understanding the reason children are orphaned and the helpless feeling of not being able to help them was just not sitting right with me.

My biological kids were getting older now (29, 18, 17), all the result of in vitro fertilization. The problem was I wasn’t done; the idea of retirement and sitting around wasn’t something that appealed to me. Granted I was 53 years old but I figured I could offer an orphan something special to them, the very thing they are craving from birth: a family!

We started the process and found a little girl with several special needs but nothing I didn’t think we could handle. I immediately emailed Nationwide Children’s Hospital and sent her file to the colorectal team. My question was, “Do you think we can get this little girl put together correctly so that she will have a normal life?” The team said, “Definitely very possible,” so we said “YES!!!”

We live 21 hours away from Columbus, Ohio but that’s a small bump in the road. We handled all the processes and were in China in 11 months. We met Freya and were absolutely in love with this very headstrong, fearless toddler!! She had craved a family from the time she can remember wanting anything. She was so special and so unique and our entire family fell in love with her. We settled in at home and after two weeks and Freya started asking at bed time with little English, “Bring Mujin home, momma?”

I didn’t understand the word “Mujin” so i just thought maybe it was a food she liked? Later that week I got a chat message from the orphanage director asking us if we would consider taking Freya’s foster sister. I said, “Well, I didn’t realize she had one!” She assured me the two were inseparable. Oh my heart! I took this child away from the only home she had ever known and now her best friend Mujin wasn’t doing well because Freya had helped take care of her. Freya is a big girl and Mujin was the smallest girl.

I told the director “yes” before we even knew what her special needs were. Seven months later we were back in China again getting Mujin, now known as Ruby. They are just two peas in a pod.

I believe if it hadn’t been for the colorectal team we wouldn’t have these two beauties. Our life would not be the same without these precious girls!! I thank the Nationwide Children’s Hospital colorectal team from the bottom of my heart !! You’re all amazing!! Dr. Wood is repairing Freya and he is 100% the best of the best!! There is no other Nationwide out there!!
  • Name: Freya J.Freya Jarrett
  • Condition(s): Cloacal Anomalies
  • Age at Treatment: 4
  • Age Today: 05/06/201310 Years

My name is Lisa and I am just a normal person with a huge love for orphans. Never understanding the reason children are orphaned and the helpless feeling of not being able to help them was just not sitting right with me.

My biological kids were getting older now (29, 18, 17), all the result of in vitro fertilization. The problem was I wasn’t done; the idea of retirement and sitting around wasn’t something that appealed to me. Granted I was 53 years old but I figured I could offer an orphan something special to them, the very thing they are craving from birth: a family!

We started the process and found a little girl with several special needs but nothing I didn’t think we could handle. I immediately emailed Nationwide Children’s Hospital and sent her file to the colorectal team. My question was, “Do you think we can get this little girl put together correctly so that she will have a normal life?” The team said, “Definitely very possible,” so we said “YES!!!”

We live 21 hours away from Columbus, Ohio but that’s a small bump in the road. We handled all the processes and were in China in 11 months. We met Freya and were absolutely in love with this very headstrong, fearless toddler!! She had craved a family from the time she can remember wanting anything. She was so special and so unique and our entire family fell in love with her. We settled in at home and after two weeks and Freya started asking at bed time with little English, “Bring Mujin home, momma?”

I didn’t understand the word “Mujin” so i just thought maybe it was a food she liked? Later that week I got a chat message from the orphanage director asking us if we would consider taking Freya’s foster sister. I said, “Well, I didn’t realize she had one!” She assured me the two were inseparable. Oh my heart! I took this child away from the only home she had ever known and now her best friend Mujin wasn’t doing well because Freya had helped take care of her. Freya is a big girl and Mujin was the smallest girl.

I told the director “yes” before we even knew what her special needs were. Seven months later we were back in China again getting Mujin, now known as Ruby. They are just two peas in a pod.

I believe if it hadn’t been for the colorectal team we wouldn’t have these two beauties. Our life would not be the same without these precious girls!! I thank the Nationwide Children’s Hospital colorectal team from the bottom of my heart !! You’re all amazing!! Dr. Wood is repairing Freya and he is 100% the best of the best!! There is no other Nationwide out there!!

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