Myah was adopted from China when she was 3 years old into a loving family well aware of her life-threatening health concerns. Myah’s parents, Rina and Henry, knew she was meant to be in their family. Immediately after adopting her, they brought her back with them to their hotel room in China and began researching doctors in the United States who could help her. They came across Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Center for Colorectal and Pelvic Reconstruction team and sent an email right away. Within 1 minute, they responded and said they could treat Myah.
“Nationwide Children’s Hospital took me in, a scared mother who has sat at Myah’s bedside for over 56 surgeries alone while my family remained in Florida. I too became the patient and needed care and comfort. It’s not only about the patient. It’s about the family as a whole,” says Rina, Myah’s mom.
Myah doesn’t have just one diagnosis, she has many. She’s undergone several pelvic reconstruction surgeries, has metal pins in her toes and heels, a solitary kidney and experienced short-term memory, among much more. At eleven years old, she’s had 56 surgeries. But nothing has ever stopped Myah from reaching her goals. This year, after previous unsuccessful attempts, she finished her first full 5K race on her own. She started off practicing just one block at a time and worked her way up to three miles.