Ailee’s Story

No one expects it, but it can happen to anybody. One day you are happily celebrating your beautiful little daughter’s first birthday and the next you are frantically calling 911.

Amber was at work when she got the urgent call to come get her daughter, Ailee, who was at the babysitter’s. When she arrived, Amber found her daughter crying, her face red and blistering. Moments after the 911 call was placed, the EMT’s were transporting little Ailee to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where she would spend the next week on the Burn Unit and later return for another week.

Nearly three years have passed since that fateful day. Ailee has spent thousands of hours going to outpatient appointments and occupational therapy. She has undergone three plastic surgeries.

The Burn Program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary care to children with burn injuries and cutaneous conditions. Our team provides collaborative treatment throughout the patient care continuum to optimize patient outcomes. Additionally, our dedicated burn nurses deliver an established burn prevention program to school age children throughout the district and the burn program staff offers burn education to the academic and medical community.

“Nationwide Children’s means hope. They were there through every step of the way through this injury and journey to acceptance and healing,” says Amber. “I believe that the care we received at Children’s is the best care there is. The doctors, nurses and therapists went above and beyond to get to know Ailee and me and tailored the care they gave to her specific needs. And because of Children’s, I have hope that we will continue to see brighter days.”

Today, Ailee is a typical three-year-old girl. She loves princesses, dressing up in dresses, heels, and crowns. She loves My Little Pony, Monster High, gymnastics class and pre-school. She is a happy, fun loving little girl who can make anyone smile with her silly outgoing personality. And she and her mom are excited about cheering on the marathon participants and sharing their story to help other burn survivors know that they are not alone.
  • Name: Ailee G.Ailee Gilliland
  • Condition(s): Burn Injury
  • Age at Treatment: 4 years
  • Age Today: 09/02/201112 Years

No one expects it, but it can happen to anybody. One day you are happily celebrating your beautiful little daughter’s first birthday and the next you are frantically calling 911.

Amber was at work when she got the urgent call to come get her daughter, Ailee, who was at the babysitter’s. When she arrived, Amber found her daughter crying, her face red and blistering. Moments after the 911 call was placed, the EMT’s were transporting little Ailee to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where she would spend the next week on the Burn Unit and later return for another week.

Nearly three years have passed since that fateful day. Ailee has spent thousands of hours going to outpatient appointments and occupational therapy. She has undergone three plastic surgeries.

The Burn Program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary care to children with burn injuries and cutaneous conditions. Our team provides collaborative treatment throughout the patient care continuum to optimize patient outcomes. Additionally, our dedicated burn nurses deliver an established burn prevention program to school age children throughout the district and the burn program staff offers burn education to the academic and medical community.

“Nationwide Children’s means hope. They were there through every step of the way through this injury and journey to acceptance and healing,” says Amber. “I believe that the care we received at Children’s is the best care there is. The doctors, nurses and therapists went above and beyond to get to know Ailee and me and tailored the care they gave to her specific needs. And because of Children’s, I have hope that we will continue to see brighter days.”

Today, Ailee is a typical three-year-old girl. She loves princesses, dressing up in dresses, heels, and crowns. She loves My Little Pony, Monster High, gymnastics class and pre-school. She is a happy, fun loving little girl who can make anyone smile with her silly outgoing personality. And she and her mom are excited about cheering on the marathon participants and sharing their story to help other burn survivors know that they are not alone.


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