Adam’s Story

Adam was brought to Nationwide Children’s with a rare congenital heart defect on the day he was born. Although we thought he would spend months in the NICU before having open heart surgery, we were fortunate to bring him home just three weeks later (surgery-free).

The first 12 months of his life are a blur with hospitalizations, therapies, procedures and a lot of genetic testing. Over time, we discovered that Adam had hearing loss, a missing tear duct, GI and kidney issues and later, Autism. He only weighed 13 pounds on his first birthday, but after heart surgery in June 2003 he finally started to grow.

Though he’s still small, had to spend a little bit of time in the PICU, and has had a LOT of out-patient surgeries, he’s stable. We now also see endocrinology for help with getting him big enough to ride the roller coasters he loves so much! The autism diagnosis has brought challenges, but also a lot of wonderful moments. Seeing a child like Adam meet milestones is such a great experience because he has to work so hard to get there. Everything is a challenge, but he always succeeds. It just takes him a little longer. Through it all, he has the attitude of a true fighter. I’m so proud of him.

Open heart surgery is looming, but we know the doctors at Nationwide Children’s are at the forefront of researching new procedures and we hope that by the time Adam needs it, a heart cath will be an option! Every time we have a cardiology appointment I tell his doctor to keep those trials going!

Adam wouldn’t be here without the support of the wonderful staff at NCH. We are so fortunate to be a part of this community.

Adam was brought to Nationwide Children’s with a rare congenital heart defect on the day he was born. Although we thought he would spend months in the NICU before having open heart surgery, we were fortunate to bring him home just three weeks later (surgery-free).

The first 12 months of his life are a blur with hospitalizations, therapies, procedures and a lot of genetic testing. Over time, we discovered that Adam had hearing loss, a missing tear duct, GI and kidney issues and later, Autism. He only weighed 13 pounds on his first birthday, but after heart surgery in June 2003 he finally started to grow.

Though he’s still small, had to spend a little bit of time in the PICU, and has had a LOT of out-patient surgeries, he’s stable. We now also see endocrinology for help with getting him big enough to ride the roller coasters he loves so much! The autism diagnosis has brought challenges, but also a lot of wonderful moments. Seeing a child like Adam meet milestones is such a great experience because he has to work so hard to get there. Everything is a challenge, but he always succeeds. It just takes him a little longer. Through it all, he has the attitude of a true fighter. I’m so proud of him.

Open heart surgery is looming, but we know the doctors at Nationwide Children’s are at the forefront of researching new procedures and we hope that by the time Adam needs it, a heart cath will be an option! Every time we have a cardiology appointment I tell his doctor to keep those trials going!

Adam wouldn’t be here without the support of the wonderful staff at NCH. We are so fortunate to be a part of this community.

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