Macy was just one year old when she was transported to Nationwide Children’s Hospital because she suffered a seizure that lasted over 30 minutes, resulting in her having to be intubated. Later, she had febrile seizures that were outside of normal standards and has since developed epilepsy.
Although she is young, Macy has already endured numerous invasive examinations, including 8 EEG’s (Electroencephalograms are tests that detect electrical activity in your brain) and 2 MRI’s, but continues to shine with her hopeful, determined attitude. Macy has some speech and developmental delays that she is continually working hard to overcome. She has an uplifting spirit and is everybody’s biggest cheerleader.
“Nationwide Children’s is a place that we can go and know we are going to get cared for. When in waiting rooms, we make connections with other families and try to give encouragement to others. It is completely worth the 2-hour drive each visit,” says Macy’s mom, Jill.
At the Epilepsy Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, we take it to the highest level. That’s why the National Association of Epilepsy Centers has accredited us as a level-four epilepsy program – the highest of epilepsy care.
Macy spends the majority of her time outside, riding her bike and playing with her brothers, friends and neighbors. She recently started playing soccer and enjoys making connections with her coach and teammates.